
Vital Object Security Guard

Vital Objects, namely areas, places, buildings and businesses that concern the lives of many people, interests and/or large sources of state income that have potential vulnerabilities and can shake economic, political and security stability if security disturbances occur.

Tourist Attractions, namely certain places and/or activities visited by people in connection with socio-cultural values ​​or natural conditions.

Obyek Khusus Tertentu, seperti: Kantor bank/lembaga keuangan, Rumah sakit, Lembaga permasyarakatan, Terminal, Pasar tradisional, Hotel, Rumah ibadah, Kantor Media Massa, Mall, Dan lain-lain

National Vital Objects are areas/locations, buildings/installations and/or businesses that concern the livelihoods of many people, state interests and/or strategic sources of state income. The status of national vital objects must be determined based on the decision of the minister and/or head of a non-departmental government agency.

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